Balandra Basin, Alcindor Trace

Balandra Basins Located in Salybia, Leave the Toco road at Alcindor Trace, cross a small bridge on right hand side of road and drive as far up to the end of road. The short trail starting at bamboo stool goes to the river within 10 minutes and then straddles the river up and down a small incline to get to the Lower Balandra basin. Ropes are usually in place to assist hikers.

The alternative route starts past the bamboo stool at the dead end of road. Follow the marked foot trail for 20 mins through green forest to the riverbed. Cross the riverbed and then hike up hill to the Ridge for approx. 30 mins. The trail continues along the ridge and swings left through green forest for 15 minutes before you start hearing the waterfall. Look for the left turn to take you to the top of the fall and Upper Balandra basin. The larger lower basin is below the waterfall. This pool is deep for swimming. The return hike could be reversed or take the alternative 10 minute down river trek to the bamboo stool at the trail head.

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Difficulty Rating: 3


Trail Ratings are ranked from 1 to 10 where 1 is considered Easy and 10 considered Very Challenging



Special Features:
River, Birds

Area of Interest: Plunge Pool

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