Maracas Village Lloango to Maracas Bay / return

Start the hike along the paved road at the police station going into the hill. Cross the bridge and turn right to cross the river tributary and pick up the foot path to Iloango. The Iloango hill is in front of you. It goes steep uphill for 1 hr. The trail emerges to an open area on top the hill. Turn right and an immediate left to go downward to the maracas royal road with views of El Tucuche on your left. ( don’t climb right – – that takes you to La vigie). Follow the trail out to the main road and turn Left at the wasa facility.

Follow the trail for 1 1/2 hrs to an intersection before Sr Beatrice grave with the cross.

Turn left uphill and after 10 minutes descend along a bench to a Y junction. Take the left turn along a convoluted but constant trail steep in places, across wash outs and a stream before rising again to pick up a dry trail back to Maracas, emerging just before Sam’s Bar.

Rating 7. Difficult

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Difficulty Rating: 6


Trail Ratings are ranked from 1 to 10 where 1 is considered Easy and 10 considered Very Challenging



Special Features:
Beach, Fitness Hike

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